Personal information
First name: Gonchig
Last Name: Altansukh
Address: 18-73 apartment, Bayangol district, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Zip code: 976
Contact information
Mobile: 99895654
Phone: 11302403
1997 - 2007 High school
2007 – 2011 University of Telecommunications and Information Technology (Baynzurh district, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia)
Work Experience
2009 – 2010
Guulin Tal Corporation (Chilgeltei district, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia)
• Experience engineer
2010 – 2013 Mobicom corporation (Sukhhbaatar district, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia)
• Telecommunication engineer
Other language
• Understanding skills Level: Good
• Writing skills Level: Good
• Speaking skills Level: Good
Technical skills and competences
Basic knowledge of Linux system.
Good knowledge MATLAB, Work bench, Office software.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Monday, September 7, 2009
Zar2 M-E
Children’s Aid foundation of UK, non-governmental organization, campaigning for children’s right and improving their futures.
‘Save the Children’ is currently acceping applicants from interested candidates to work as an assistant of waif children’s center. Assistance’s duty is serving the children with main services.
Consultant’s qualifications/requirements
1. Bachelor degree
2. At least 2 years of experience in working with children, especially he/she have to be able to understand problems that facing to poor children.
3. Excellent communication skills.
4. Elementary knowledge of library service and computer.
5. Team working skills.
6. Candidates must be productive, always aspires self-development, effort to his/her job.
7. Honest
If you possess qualifications above, bring us application, autobiography and reference letter from employer in company office, before January 16, 2009. Only short-listed candidates will be called for interview.
Address: Chingeltei district, 1st khoroo, Arizona center (front of 23rd secondary school) Stage IV
Post: Central post office, UB -13
‘Save the Children’ is currently acceping applicants from interested candidates to work as an assistant of waif children’s center. Assistance’s duty is serving the children with main services.
Consultant’s qualifications/requirements
1. Bachelor degree
2. At least 2 years of experience in working with children, especially he/she have to be able to understand problems that facing to poor children.
3. Excellent communication skills.
4. Elementary knowledge of library service and computer.
5. Team working skills.
6. Candidates must be productive, always aspires self-development, effort to his/her job.
7. Honest
If you possess qualifications above, bring us application, autobiography and reference letter from employer in company office, before January 16, 2009. Only short-listed candidates will be called for interview.
Address: Chingeltei district, 1st khoroo, Arizona center (front of 23rd secondary school) Stage IV
Post: Central post office, UB -13
Zar2 M-E
Ажилтан шалгаруулж авна
Их Британий Хүүхдийг Ивээх Сан (ХИС) нь хүүхдийн эрхийг эрхэмлэн, тэдний сайн сайхны төлөө дэлхий даяар эрчимтэй бөгөөд тогтвортой үйл ажиллагаа явуулдаг олон улсын төрийн бус байгууллага.
Хүүхдийг Ивээх Сангийн “Хүүхэд хамгаалал” хөтөлбөрийн хүрээнд хэрэгждэг, Чингэлтэй дүүрэгт байрлах хараа хяналтгүй хүүхдийн өдрийн үйлчилгээний төвд Туслах ажилтан сонгон шалгаруулж авна. Туслах ажилтан нь төвөөр үйлчлүүлж буй хүүхдүүдэд суурь үйлчилгээ үзүүлэх үндсэн үүрэгтэй.
Туслах ажилтанд тавигдах шаардлага:
1. Бакалаврын зэрэгтэй
2. хүүхэдтэй хоёроос доошгүй жил ажилласан туршлагатай, хүнд нөхцөлд амьдардаг хүүхэд, тэдний онцлог хэрэгцээг ойлгодог, цаашид хүүхэдтэй ажиллах хүсэл эрмэлзэлтэй
3. Харицааны өндөр соёлтой
4. Номын сангийн үйлчилгээний болон компьютерийн зохих мэдлэгтэй
5. Багаар ажиллах чадвартай
6. Бүтээлч, шинэлэг сэтгэлгээтэй, сурах, хөгжих эрмэлзэлтэй, ажилдаа идэвх санаачлагатай ханддаг
7. Үнэнч шударга
Уг ажлыг сонирхож буй хүмүүс ажилд орох өргөдөл, товч намтар, ажил байдлын тодорхойлолтоо (2 шир) 2009 оны нэгдүгээр сарын 16-ны дотор доорхи хаягаар ХИС-нд ирүүлнэ үү. Зөвхөн шалгарсан хүмүүсийг ярилцлагад дуудна. Ажлын байрны дэлгэрэнгүй тодорхойлолтыг ХИС-гаас авч болно.
Их Британий Хүүхдийг Ивээх Сан (ХИС) нь хүүхдийн эрхийг эрхэмлэн, тэдний сайн сайхны төлөө дэлхий даяар эрчимтэй бөгөөд тогтвортой үйл ажиллагаа явуулдаг олон улсын төрийн бус байгууллага.
Хүүхдийг Ивээх Сангийн “Хүүхэд хамгаалал” хөтөлбөрийн хүрээнд хэрэгждэг, Чингэлтэй дүүрэгт байрлах хараа хяналтгүй хүүхдийн өдрийн үйлчилгээний төвд Туслах ажилтан сонгон шалгаруулж авна. Туслах ажилтан нь төвөөр үйлчлүүлж буй хүүхдүүдэд суурь үйлчилгээ үзүүлэх үндсэн үүрэгтэй.
Туслах ажилтанд тавигдах шаардлага:
1. Бакалаврын зэрэгтэй
2. хүүхэдтэй хоёроос доошгүй жил ажилласан туршлагатай, хүнд нөхцөлд амьдардаг хүүхэд, тэдний онцлог хэрэгцээг ойлгодог, цаашид хүүхэдтэй ажиллах хүсэл эрмэлзэлтэй
3. Харицааны өндөр соёлтой
4. Номын сангийн үйлчилгээний болон компьютерийн зохих мэдлэгтэй
5. Багаар ажиллах чадвартай
6. Бүтээлч, шинэлэг сэтгэлгээтэй, сурах, хөгжих эрмэлзэлтэй, ажилдаа идэвх санаачлагатай ханддаг
7. Үнэнч шударга
Уг ажлыг сонирхож буй хүмүүс ажилд орох өргөдөл, товч намтар, ажил байдлын тодорхойлолтоо (2 шир) 2009 оны нэгдүгээр сарын 16-ны дотор доорхи хаягаар ХИС-нд ирүүлнэ үү. Зөвхөн шалгарсан хүмүүсийг ярилцлагад дуудна. Ажлын байрны дэлгэрэнгүй тодорхойлолтыг ХИС-гаас авч болно.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Zar1 E-M
Ажлын зар
НҮБ-ын хөгжлийн программ, Олон улсын байгаль орчны газар, байгаль орчны яам болон аялал жуулчлалын яамны санхүүжилтээр “Нийгэмд суурилсан Монголын Алтай Соёны газрын байдал консерваци нь Амьтны төрөл консервацийн офицерийн ажлын байр санал болгож байна.
Тус төслийн зорилго нь Монгол нутгийн Алтай Соёны бүс нутгийн амьд амьтны төрөл зүйлийн удаан хугацааны консервацийг, хөнөөлийг багасгаж тогтвортой нөөцийн хэрэглээг орон нутгийн нийгэмлэгийг ашиглан баталгаажуулах юм. Төсөл нь баруун зүгийн 3-н аймагт хэрэгжинэ. (Ховд, Увс, Баян-Өлгий, Хөвсгөл)
Үндэсний төслийн удирдагчын дор, Амьтны ургамлын консервацийн офицерийн гүйцэтгэх зүйлс нь:
1. Төсөлд заагдсан биодиверсити (амьтан ургамлын төрөл зүйл)-ийн судалгааг зохицуулах, тухайлбал судлаачид болон өгөгдлийн базын систем, үүнийг шаардлагатай мэдээллээр баяжуулж, төслийн үйл ажиллагаа холбогдох мэдээллийг цаг тухайд нь төслийн ажилчид болон хувьцаа эзэмшигчидэд шинжлэх ухааны үндэслэлтэй тайлбарлах.
2. Биодиверсити консервацийн хэрэгжүүлэхэд төсөлд оролцож буй малчид болон онцгой эрхтнүүдийг дэмжинэ.
3. Шинжлэх ухааны өгөгдлийн базыг хангах, санхүүгийн байдлыг тодорхойлох, Үржил шимтэй секторт биодиверситийн нэгдлийг хэрэгжүүлэхийн тулд зохистой механизмийг боловсруулах
Энэ нь: төлөөлөгч\зөвлөхүүд, байгаль орчны институтууд, засгийн газрын институд, анхдагч хувьцаа эзэмшигчдийн төлөөлөгчид гэх мэт маш ойр харилцаа холбоо зохицуулалт шаарддаг. Мөн тухайн хүн Алтай Соёны газрын байдлын түвшнийг дэмжих талаарх мэдээлэлд хариуцлага хүлээнэ.
- Шаардагдах чадвар боловсрол
Байгаль орчны ухаан болон бусад холбогдох мэргэжилээр сургууль дүүргэсэн.
- 5-н жилээс доошгүй мэргэжилээрээ ажилласан
- GIS чадвар маш сайн, мөн бусад багаж зэвсэгтэй ажиллах чадвартай
- Биодиверситийн консервацийн талаар зохих туршлага мэдлэгтэй байх
- Хувийн зан чанар сайтай, харилцаа болон зохион байгуулах чадвартай
- Монгол хэлээр бичих, хянах чадвар маш сайн байх
- Англи хэлний сайн мэдлэгтэй байх
- MS Excel, MS Project, MS Word зэрэг программ дээр сайн ажилладаг байх
- Байнга томилолтоор явах боломж чадвартай байх
- Дэлхийн хөгжлийн программд ажилллаж байсан туршлага нь давуу тал болно
Ажиллах газар УБ мөн байнга хөдөө томилогдоно.
Хэрэв та дээрхи шаардлагад нийцэж байвал өргөдлөө CV болон тодорхойлолт, Их сургуулийн дипломын хуулбартай дугтуйнд хийж 2009 оны 2 сарын 27ны 15:00 цагаас өмнө авчирч өгнө үү.
НҮБ-ын хөгжлийн программ, Олон улсын байгаль орчны газар, байгаль орчны яам болон аялал жуулчлалын яамны санхүүжилтээр “Нийгэмд суурилсан Монголын Алтай Соёны газрын байдал консерваци нь Амьтны төрөл консервацийн офицерийн ажлын байр санал болгож байна.
Тус төслийн зорилго нь Монгол нутгийн Алтай Соёны бүс нутгийн амьд амьтны төрөл зүйлийн удаан хугацааны консервацийг, хөнөөлийг багасгаж тогтвортой нөөцийн хэрэглээг орон нутгийн нийгэмлэгийг ашиглан баталгаажуулах юм. Төсөл нь баруун зүгийн 3-н аймагт хэрэгжинэ. (Ховд, Увс, Баян-Өлгий, Хөвсгөл)
Үндэсний төслийн удирдагчын дор, Амьтны ургамлын консервацийн офицерийн гүйцэтгэх зүйлс нь:
1. Төсөлд заагдсан биодиверсити (амьтан ургамлын төрөл зүйл)-ийн судалгааг зохицуулах, тухайлбал судлаачид болон өгөгдлийн базын систем, үүнийг шаардлагатай мэдээллээр баяжуулж, төслийн үйл ажиллагаа холбогдох мэдээллийг цаг тухайд нь төслийн ажилчид болон хувьцаа эзэмшигчидэд шинжлэх ухааны үндэслэлтэй тайлбарлах.
2. Биодиверсити консервацийн хэрэгжүүлэхэд төсөлд оролцож буй малчид болон онцгой эрхтнүүдийг дэмжинэ.
3. Шинжлэх ухааны өгөгдлийн базыг хангах, санхүүгийн байдлыг тодорхойлох, Үржил шимтэй секторт биодиверситийн нэгдлийг хэрэгжүүлэхийн тулд зохистой механизмийг боловсруулах
Энэ нь: төлөөлөгч\зөвлөхүүд, байгаль орчны институтууд, засгийн газрын институд, анхдагч хувьцаа эзэмшигчдийн төлөөлөгчид гэх мэт маш ойр харилцаа холбоо зохицуулалт шаарддаг. Мөн тухайн хүн Алтай Соёны газрын байдлын түвшнийг дэмжих талаарх мэдээлэлд хариуцлага хүлээнэ.
- Шаардагдах чадвар боловсрол
Байгаль орчны ухаан болон бусад холбогдох мэргэжилээр сургууль дүүргэсэн.
- 5-н жилээс доошгүй мэргэжилээрээ ажилласан
- GIS чадвар маш сайн, мөн бусад багаж зэвсэгтэй ажиллах чадвартай
- Биодиверситийн консервацийн талаар зохих туршлага мэдлэгтэй байх
- Хувийн зан чанар сайтай, харилцаа болон зохион байгуулах чадвартай
- Монгол хэлээр бичих, хянах чадвар маш сайн байх
- Англи хэлний сайн мэдлэгтэй байх
- MS Excel, MS Project, MS Word зэрэг программ дээр сайн ажилладаг байх
- Байнга томилолтоор явах боломж чадвартай байх
- Дэлхийн хөгжлийн программд ажилллаж байсан туршлага нь давуу тал болно
Ажиллах газар УБ мөн байнга хөдөө томилогдоно.
Хэрэв та дээрхи шаардлагад нийцэж байвал өргөдлөө CV болон тодорхойлолт, Их сургуулийн дипломын хуулбартай дугтуйнд хийж 2009 оны 2 сарын 27ны 15:00 цагаас өмнө авчирч өгнө үү.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Air pollution
Ever since people first gathered in settlements there has been pollution. Pollution usually refers to the presence of substances that are either present in the environment where it doesn't belong or at levels greater than it should be.Air pollution is caused by any undesirable substance, which enters the atmosphere. Air pollution is a major problem in modern society. Even though air pollution is usually a greater problem in cities, pollutants contaminate air everywhere. These substances include various gases and tiny particles, or particulates that can harm human health and damage the environment. They may be gases, liquids, or solids. Many pollutants are given off into the air as a result of human behavior. Pollution occurs on different levels: personal, national, and global.Some pollutants come from natural sources.Forest fires emit particulates, gases, and VOCs (substances that vaporize into the atmosphere)Ultra-fine dust particles created by soil erosion when water and weather loosen layers of soil, increase airborne particulate levels.Volcanoes spew out sulfur dioxide and large amounts of pulverized lava rock known as volcanic ash.The major types of air pollution are:Gaseous pollutants: A different mix of vapors and gaseous air pollutants is found in outdoor and indoor environments. The most common gaseous pollutants are carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides and ozone. A number of sources produce these chemical compounds but the major man-made source is the burning of fossil fuel. Indoor air pollution is caused by cigarette smoking, the use of certain construction materials, cleaning products, and home furnishings. Outdoor gaseous pollutants come from volcanoes, fires, and industry, and in some areas may be substantial. The most commonly recognized type of air pollution is smog. Smog generally refers to a condition caused by the action of sunlight on exhaust gases from motor vehicles and factories.The Greenhouse effect prevents the sun's heat from rising out of the atmosphere and flowing back into space. This warms the earth's surface causing the green house effect. While a certain amount of green house gases in the atmosphere are necessary to make the earth warm, activities such as the burning of fossil fuels are creating a gaseous layer that is too dense to allow the heat to escape. Many scientists believe this is causing global warming. Other gases contributing to the problem include cholrofluorocarbons (CFC), methane, nitrous oxides, and ozone.Acid rain forms when moisture in the air interacts with nitrogen oxide and sulfur dioxide released by factories, power plants, and motor vehicles that burn coal or oil. This interaction of gases with water vapor forms sulfuric acid and nitric acids. Eventually these chemicals fall to earth as precipitation, or acid rain. Acid rain pollutants may travel long distances, with winds carrying them thousands of miles before they fall as dew, drizzle, fog, snow or rain.Damage to the ozone layer is primarily caused by the use of chloroflurocarbons (CFCs). Ozone is a form of oxygen found in the earth's upper atmosphere. The thin layer of ozone molecules in the atmosphere absorb some of the sun's ultraviolet (UV) rays before it reaches the earth's surface, making life on earth possible. The depletion of ozone is causing higher levels of UV radiation on earth, endangering both plants and animals.Particulate matter is the general term used for a mixture of solid particles and liquid droplets found in the air. Some particles are large or dark enough to be seen as soot or smoke. Others are so small they can be detected only with an electron microscope. When particulate matter is breathed in, it can irritate and damage the lungs causing breathing problems. Fine particles are easily inhaled deeply into the lungs where they can be absorbed into the blood stream or remain embedded for long periods of time.Climatic effects: Normally pollutants rise or flow away from their sources without building up to unsafe levels. Wind patterns, clouds, rain, and temperature can affect how quickly pollutants move away from an area. Weather patterns that can trap air pollution in valleys or move it across the globe may be able to damage pristine environments far from the original sources.
A drought is a period of unusually persistant dry weather that persists long enough to cause serious problems such as crop damage and/or water supply shortages. The severity depends upon the degree of moisture deficiency, the duration, and the size of the affected area.The major effects of climate change on water systems take place through changes in the hydrological cycle, basically the balance between temperature, and rainfall. Whilst some regions may have higher rainfalls this can evaporate through sustained increases in temperature. The El Niño is strongly linked to droughts, and is a disruption of the ocean-atmosphere system in the Tropical Pacific which has important consequences for weather and climate around the globe.
Land or soil pollution can be caused by:farmingmining and quarryinghousehold wastedemolition and putting up buildingsfactory wastePollution detected in soils at daycare centers:The soil in daycares located near city centres is often polluted with lead and PAH. The source of this pollution is mainly local. Pollution may, in some cases, alsobe due to transported polluted-soil from other places.Soil and sand surrounding playground apparatus made of wood impregnated with CCA (copper, chromium and arsenic) is in most cases polluted by arsenic that has leaked from the wood.Sand from certain quarry sites may have a naturally high content of heavy metals, for example arsenic, and is therefore not suitable for use in sand boxes in daycares or playgrounds.PCB has been detected in soil around some daycares. The source in these cases has been the plaster or paint from nearby buildings.Soil pollution comprises the pollution of soils with materials, mostly chemicals, that are out of place or are present at concentrations higher than normal which may have adverse effects on humans or other organisms. It is difficult to define soil pollution exactly because different opinions exist on how to characterize a pollutant; while some consider the use of pesticides acceptable if their effect does not exceed the intended result, others do not consider any use of pesticides or even chemical fertilizers acceptable. However, soil pollution is also caused by means other than the direct addition of xenobiotic (man-made) chemicals such as agricultural runoff waters, industrial waste materials, acidic precipitates, and radioactive fallout.Soil pollution can lead to water pollution if toxic chemicals leach into groundwater, or if contaminated run off reaches streams, lakes, or oceans. Soil also naturally contributes to air pollution by releasing volatile compounds into the atmosphere. Nitrogen escapes through ammonia volatilization and denitrification. The decomposition of organic materials in soil can release sulfur dioxide and other sulfur compounds, causing acid rain. Heavy metals and other potentially toxic elements are the most serious soil pollutants in sewage. Sewage sludge contains heavy metals and, if applied repeatedly or in large amounts, the treated soil may accumulate heavy metals and consequently become unable to even support plant life.What effect does soil pollution have on humans?The major concern is that there are many sensitive land uses where people are in direct contact with soils such as residences, parks, schools and playgrounds. Other contact mechanisms include contamination of drinking water or inhalation of soil contaminants which have vaporized. There is a very large set of health consequences from exposure to soil contamination depending on pollutant type, pathway of attack and vulnerability of the exposed population. Chromium and obsolete pesticide formulations are carcinogenic to populations. Lead is especially hazardous to young children, in which group there is a high risk of developmental damage to the brain,while to all populations kidney damage is a risk.Chronic exposure to at sufficient concentrations is known to be associated with higher incidence of leukemia. Obsolete pesticides such as mercury and cyclodienes are known to induce higher incidences of kidney damage, some irreversible; cyclodienes are linked to liver toxicity. Organophosphates and carbamates can induce a chain of responses leading to neuromuscular blockage. Many chlorinated solvents induce liver changes, kidney changes and depression of the central nervous system. There is an entire spectrum of further health effects such as headache,nausea,fatigue(physical),eye irritation and skin rash for the above cited and other chemicals.Many effects may occur due to soil pollution. Human health is adversely affected by the pollution of soil. Some soil pollutants can cause carcinogenic effects and others may destroy the brain, nervous system, kidney function and so many health problems such as headache, fatigue, eye-irritation, skin diseases etc. The effects due to soil pollution are- Disruption of soil ecosystem as well as the whole earth ecosystem; May cause decreasing of soil microbes; Alteration of metabolic activities of plants;Sometimes soil pollution may cause eutrophication; May decrease the soil fertility and many other problems.The soil pollution is increasing day by day. So we must control or prevent such kind of problem for our safe environment by taking all possible steps immediately. The systems that can be adopted for the controlling of soil pollution are as follows- Proper treatment of solid and liquid industrial wastes;Proper control and management of agricultural wastes;Proper dumping and treatment system may be applied for controlling of municipal and domestic wastes;Control of over population growth;Deforestation should be stooped;Avoiding or/and restricting the use of highly toxic and persistence chemicals;"A growing number of people lack basic needs, like pure water and ample food. They become more susceptible to diseases driven by malnourishment, and air, water and soil pollutants," Pimentel concludes. He and his co-authors call for comprehensive and fair population policies and more conservation of environmental resources that support human life."Relying on increasing diseases and malnutrition to limit human numbers in the world diminishes the quality of life for all humans and is a high-risk policy," the researchers conclude.
Ever since people first gathered in settlements there has been pollution. Pollution usually refers to the presence of substances that are either present in the environment where it doesn't belong or at levels greater than it should be.Air pollution is caused by any undesirable substance, which enters the atmosphere. Air pollution is a major problem in modern society. Even though air pollution is usually a greater problem in cities, pollutants contaminate air everywhere. These substances include various gases and tiny particles, or particulates that can harm human health and damage the environment. They may be gases, liquids, or solids. Many pollutants are given off into the air as a result of human behavior. Pollution occurs on different levels: personal, national, and global.Some pollutants come from natural sources.Forest fires emit particulates, gases, and VOCs (substances that vaporize into the atmosphere)Ultra-fine dust particles created by soil erosion when water and weather loosen layers of soil, increase airborne particulate levels.Volcanoes spew out sulfur dioxide and large amounts of pulverized lava rock known as volcanic ash.The major types of air pollution are:Gaseous pollutants: A different mix of vapors and gaseous air pollutants is found in outdoor and indoor environments. The most common gaseous pollutants are carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides and ozone. A number of sources produce these chemical compounds but the major man-made source is the burning of fossil fuel. Indoor air pollution is caused by cigarette smoking, the use of certain construction materials, cleaning products, and home furnishings. Outdoor gaseous pollutants come from volcanoes, fires, and industry, and in some areas may be substantial. The most commonly recognized type of air pollution is smog. Smog generally refers to a condition caused by the action of sunlight on exhaust gases from motor vehicles and factories.The Greenhouse effect prevents the sun's heat from rising out of the atmosphere and flowing back into space. This warms the earth's surface causing the green house effect. While a certain amount of green house gases in the atmosphere are necessary to make the earth warm, activities such as the burning of fossil fuels are creating a gaseous layer that is too dense to allow the heat to escape. Many scientists believe this is causing global warming. Other gases contributing to the problem include cholrofluorocarbons (CFC), methane, nitrous oxides, and ozone.Acid rain forms when moisture in the air interacts with nitrogen oxide and sulfur dioxide released by factories, power plants, and motor vehicles that burn coal or oil. This interaction of gases with water vapor forms sulfuric acid and nitric acids. Eventually these chemicals fall to earth as precipitation, or acid rain. Acid rain pollutants may travel long distances, with winds carrying them thousands of miles before they fall as dew, drizzle, fog, snow or rain.Damage to the ozone layer is primarily caused by the use of chloroflurocarbons (CFCs). Ozone is a form of oxygen found in the earth's upper atmosphere. The thin layer of ozone molecules in the atmosphere absorb some of the sun's ultraviolet (UV) rays before it reaches the earth's surface, making life on earth possible. The depletion of ozone is causing higher levels of UV radiation on earth, endangering both plants and animals.Particulate matter is the general term used for a mixture of solid particles and liquid droplets found in the air. Some particles are large or dark enough to be seen as soot or smoke. Others are so small they can be detected only with an electron microscope. When particulate matter is breathed in, it can irritate and damage the lungs causing breathing problems. Fine particles are easily inhaled deeply into the lungs where they can be absorbed into the blood stream or remain embedded for long periods of time.Climatic effects: Normally pollutants rise or flow away from their sources without building up to unsafe levels. Wind patterns, clouds, rain, and temperature can affect how quickly pollutants move away from an area. Weather patterns that can trap air pollution in valleys or move it across the globe may be able to damage pristine environments far from the original sources.
A drought is a period of unusually persistant dry weather that persists long enough to cause serious problems such as crop damage and/or water supply shortages. The severity depends upon the degree of moisture deficiency, the duration, and the size of the affected area.The major effects of climate change on water systems take place through changes in the hydrological cycle, basically the balance between temperature, and rainfall. Whilst some regions may have higher rainfalls this can evaporate through sustained increases in temperature. The El Niño is strongly linked to droughts, and is a disruption of the ocean-atmosphere system in the Tropical Pacific which has important consequences for weather and climate around the globe.
Land or soil pollution can be caused by:farmingmining and quarryinghousehold wastedemolition and putting up buildingsfactory wastePollution detected in soils at daycare centers:The soil in daycares located near city centres is often polluted with lead and PAH. The source of this pollution is mainly local. Pollution may, in some cases, alsobe due to transported polluted-soil from other places.Soil and sand surrounding playground apparatus made of wood impregnated with CCA (copper, chromium and arsenic) is in most cases polluted by arsenic that has leaked from the wood.Sand from certain quarry sites may have a naturally high content of heavy metals, for example arsenic, and is therefore not suitable for use in sand boxes in daycares or playgrounds.PCB has been detected in soil around some daycares. The source in these cases has been the plaster or paint from nearby buildings.Soil pollution comprises the pollution of soils with materials, mostly chemicals, that are out of place or are present at concentrations higher than normal which may have adverse effects on humans or other organisms. It is difficult to define soil pollution exactly because different opinions exist on how to characterize a pollutant; while some consider the use of pesticides acceptable if their effect does not exceed the intended result, others do not consider any use of pesticides or even chemical fertilizers acceptable. However, soil pollution is also caused by means other than the direct addition of xenobiotic (man-made) chemicals such as agricultural runoff waters, industrial waste materials, acidic precipitates, and radioactive fallout.Soil pollution can lead to water pollution if toxic chemicals leach into groundwater, or if contaminated run off reaches streams, lakes, or oceans. Soil also naturally contributes to air pollution by releasing volatile compounds into the atmosphere. Nitrogen escapes through ammonia volatilization and denitrification. The decomposition of organic materials in soil can release sulfur dioxide and other sulfur compounds, causing acid rain. Heavy metals and other potentially toxic elements are the most serious soil pollutants in sewage. Sewage sludge contains heavy metals and, if applied repeatedly or in large amounts, the treated soil may accumulate heavy metals and consequently become unable to even support plant life.What effect does soil pollution have on humans?The major concern is that there are many sensitive land uses where people are in direct contact with soils such as residences, parks, schools and playgrounds. Other contact mechanisms include contamination of drinking water or inhalation of soil contaminants which have vaporized. There is a very large set of health consequences from exposure to soil contamination depending on pollutant type, pathway of attack and vulnerability of the exposed population. Chromium and obsolete pesticide formulations are carcinogenic to populations. Lead is especially hazardous to young children, in which group there is a high risk of developmental damage to the brain,while to all populations kidney damage is a risk.Chronic exposure to at sufficient concentrations is known to be associated with higher incidence of leukemia. Obsolete pesticides such as mercury and cyclodienes are known to induce higher incidences of kidney damage, some irreversible; cyclodienes are linked to liver toxicity. Organophosphates and carbamates can induce a chain of responses leading to neuromuscular blockage. Many chlorinated solvents induce liver changes, kidney changes and depression of the central nervous system. There is an entire spectrum of further health effects such as headache,nausea,fatigue(physical),eye irritation and skin rash for the above cited and other chemicals.Many effects may occur due to soil pollution. Human health is adversely affected by the pollution of soil. Some soil pollutants can cause carcinogenic effects and others may destroy the brain, nervous system, kidney function and so many health problems such as headache, fatigue, eye-irritation, skin diseases etc. The effects due to soil pollution are- Disruption of soil ecosystem as well as the whole earth ecosystem; May cause decreasing of soil microbes; Alteration of metabolic activities of plants;Sometimes soil pollution may cause eutrophication; May decrease the soil fertility and many other problems.The soil pollution is increasing day by day. So we must control or prevent such kind of problem for our safe environment by taking all possible steps immediately. The systems that can be adopted for the controlling of soil pollution are as follows- Proper treatment of solid and liquid industrial wastes;Proper control and management of agricultural wastes;Proper dumping and treatment system may be applied for controlling of municipal and domestic wastes;Control of over population growth;Deforestation should be stooped;Avoiding or/and restricting the use of highly toxic and persistence chemicals;"A growing number of people lack basic needs, like pure water and ample food. They become more susceptible to diseases driven by malnourishment, and air, water and soil pollutants," Pimentel concludes. He and his co-authors call for comprehensive and fair population policies and more conservation of environmental resources that support human life."Relying on increasing diseases and malnutrition to limit human numbers in the world diminishes the quality of life for all humans and is a high-risk policy," the researchers conclude.
Basketball is a team sport in which two teams of five active players each try to score points against one another by propelling a ball through a 10 feet (3 m) high hoop (the goal) under organized rules. Basketball is one of the most popular and widely viewed sports in the world.[citation needed]Points are scored by shooting the ball through the basket above; the team with more points at the end of the game wins. The ball can be advanced on the court by bouncing it (dribbling) or passing it between teammates. Disruptive physical contact (foul) is not permitted and there are restrictions on how the ball can be handled (violations).
Through time, basketball has developed to involve common techniques of shooting, passing and dribbling, as well as players' positions, and offensive and defensive structures. Typically, the tallest members of a team will play center or one of two forward positions, while shorter players or those who possess the best ball handling skills and speed, play the guard positions. While competitive basketball is carefully regulated, numerous variations of basketball have developed for casual play. In some countries, basketball is also a popular spectator sport.
While competitive basketball is primarily an indoor sport, played on a basketball court, less regulated variations have become exceedingly popular as an outdoor sport among both inner city and rural groups.
Англи хэлний өдөр тутмын 200 үг
1. I see - Би ойлголоо
2. I quit! - Би болилоо
3. Let go! - Явуулаач
4. Me too - Би ч гэсэн
5. I will do my best ! - Би хамгийн сайнаараа ажиллах болно!
6. No way! - Яг ш дээ.
7. Come on - Алив.
8. Hold on - Байж байгаарай
9. I agree - Би зөвшөөрчихнө, би ч гэсэн
10. Not bad - муугүй шүү
11. Not yet - Одоохондоо арай болоогүй байна
12. See you - Баяртай
13. Shut up! - Амаа тат, дуугүй бай
14. So long - Мөд уулзая, түр баяртай
15. Why not? - Яагаад үгүй гэж
16. Allow me - Алив би хийе
17. Be quiet! - Чимээгүй!
20. Have fun! - Сайхан хөгжилдөөрэй
18. Cheer up! - Амжилт
19. Good job! - Сайхан ажил, Сайн ажиллаа.
21. How much? - Хэдий үнэтэй
22. I’m full - Би цадчихлаа
23. I’m home - Би гэртээ
24. I’m lost - Би төөрчихлөө
25. My treat - Би даая.
26. So do i - Би ч гэсэн
27. This way - Энэ зүг
28. After you - Таны дараа
29. Bless you! - Бурхан өршөөг
30. Follow me! - Намайг дагаад
31. Forget it! - Мартаж үз
32. Good luck! - Амжилт хүсье
33. I decline! - Зөвшөөрөхгүй байна
34. I promise - Амлаж байна.
35. Of course! - Тэгэлгүй яахав
36. Slow down! - Аяархан
37. Take care! - Болгоомжтой яваарай
38. They hurt - Тэд өвдчихсөн
39. Try again - Дахиад давт
40. Watch out! - Болгоомжтой
41. What’s up - Юу байнаа
42. Be careful! - Болгоомжтой
43. Bottoms up! - Босоод марш,ууж байгаа зүйлийнхээ ёроолыг харах
44. Don’t move!
45. Guess what? - Яасан гээч
46. I doubt it - Би эргэлзэж байна.
47. I think so - Миний бодлоор, би тэгэж бодож байна
48. I’m single - Би ганц бие.
49. Keep it up! - гүйцэх
50. Let me see - Надад харуулаач
51. Never mind - Болилоо
52. No problem! - Асуудалгүй.
53. That’s all! - Ингээд л болоо.
54. Time is up - Цаг дуусаа
55. What’s new? - Сонин сайхан?
56. Count me on - Надад итгэж болно
57. Don’t worry - Санаа зоволтгүй
58. Feel better? - Арай дээрдэв үү?
59. I love you - Би чамд хайртай.
60. I’m his fan - Би түүний фен нь
61. Is it yours? - Энэ чинийх үү?
62. That’s neat - Гоё юмаа
63. Are you sure? - Та итгэлтэй байна уу?
64. Do i have to - Би заавал уу?
65. He is my age - Тэр надтай чацуу
66. Here you are - Чи энд байсан юм уу?
67. No one knows - Хэн ч мэдэхгүй
68. Take it easy - Тайвшир даа
69. What a pity! - Ямайр гайхалтай юм.
70. Аny thing else? - Өөр ямар нэг зүйл байна уу?
71. To be careful! -
72. Do me a favor? - Надад туслаач
73. Help yourself - Өөртөө тусал
74. I’m on a diet - Би хоолны дэглэм барьж байгаа
75. Keep in touch - Холбоотой байгаарай
76. Time is money - Цаг бол алт
77. Who’s calling? - Хэн залгаж байна.
78. You did right - Чи зөв хийсэн байна
79. You set me up! - Чи намайг хулхидсан байна
80. Саn i help you? - Танд тусламж хэрэгтэй юу?
81. Enjoy yourself!
82. Excuse me, Sir - Өршөөгрөй ноёнтоон
83. Give me a hand! - Надад туслаач!
84. How’s it going? - Хэр явж байна даа?
85. I have no idea - Надад ямар ч мэдэх юм алга
86. I just made it! - Би дөнгөж сая ажуулчихлаа!
87. I’ll see to it! - Би харж л байя
88. I’m in a hurry! - Би яарч байна!
89. It’s her field - Энэ тэрний өөрийнх нь салбар
90. It’s up to you - Чамаас л бүх юм шалтгаална
91. Just wonderful! - Гайхамшигтай!
92. What about you? - Би яах юм болж байна?
93. You owe me one - Чи надад нэг өртэй
94. Your’re welcome - Тавтай морил
95. Any day will do - Хэзээ ч хйисэн яахав
96. Are you kidding? - Чи тоглоогүй биз?
97. Congratulations! - Баяр хүргье!
101. It sounds great! - Дажгүй сонсогдож байна.
102. It’s a fine day - Яахав дажгүй өдөр байна.
103. So far, so good - Дажгүй шүү.
104. What time is it? - Цаг хэд болж байна.
105. You can make it! - Би хийж чаднаа.
106. Control yourself! - Өөрийгөө удирд
107. He came be train - Тэр галт тэргээр ирсэн.
108. He is ill in bed - Тэр өвдөөд орондоо байгаа.
109. He lacks courage - Тэр зориггүй
110. How’s everything? - Бүх юм хэр байна даа?
111. I have no choice - Надад ямар ч сонголт алга.
112. I like ice cream - Би мөхөөлөдөст дуртэй
113. I love this game - Би энэ тоглоомонд дуртай.
114. I’ll try my best - Би байдгаараа хичээнээ 1
15. I’m on your side - Би чиний талд байгаа шүү
116. Lont time no see! - Удаан уулзалдсангүй
117. No pain, no gain -
118. Well, it depends - Ер нь харж л байж больёо доо
119. We’re all for it - Бид бүгдээрээ тэрний төлөө байгаа
120. What a good deal! - Ямар сайхан санал вэ!
121. What should i do ? - Би яах ёстой вэ?
122. You asked for it! - Чи энийг л асуугаа биздээ
123. You have my word - Чи миний үгийг сонссон
124. Believe it or not! - Итгэнэ үү байна уу өөрөө мэд
125. Don’t count on me - Надад найдаад хэрэггүй шүү
126. Don’t fall for it! - Битгий тэрэнд унаж тусаад байгаарай
127. Don’t let me down - Намайг битгий мяаруулчихаарай даа
128. Easy come easy go -
129. I beg your pardon - Юу гэнээ дахиад хэлдээ
130. I’ll be back soon - Би удахгүй ирнэ
131. I’ll check it out - Би яасанг нь харамз
132. It’s a long story - Их урт түүх байна
133. It’s sunday today - Өнөөдөр ням гараг
134. Just wait and see! - Хүлээгээд харж бай
135. Make up your mind - Алив нэг санаа боддоо
136. That’s all i need - Миний хэрэгэй бүх юм ингээд болоо
137. The view is great - Их гоё харагдаж байна
138. The wall has ears - Энэ хана чихтэй шүү.
139. There comes a bus - За автобус ирж байна
140. What day is today? - Өнөөдөр ямар өдөр билээ
141. What do you think? - Юу гэж бодож байна даа.
142. Who told you that? - Хэн чамд наадахыг чинь хэлсэн юм?
143. Who’s kicking off?
144. Yes’ i suppose so - За, би зөвшөөрөхөөс дөө.
145. You can’t miss it - Боломжийг бүү алд
146. Any messages for me? - Надад ямар нэг захидал байна уу?
147. Don’t be so modest -
148. DOn’t give me that! - Надад битгий наадахаа өг
149. He is a smart boy - Тэр их ухаантай хүү
150. He is just a child - Тэр чинь жаахан хүүхэд шүү дээ.
98. I can’t help it - Би яаж ч чадахгүй нь
99. I don’t mean it - Би тэгье гэж бодоогүй
100. I’ll fix you up - Би чамд туслана аа
51. I can’t follow you - Би чамайг дагаж чадахгүйнээ
152. I felt sort of ill - Би нэг л өвдөөд байх шиг байна
153. I have a good idea! - Надад сайхан санаа байна.
154. It is growing cool -
155. It seems all right - Яахав дажгүй л харагдаж байна.
156. It’s going too far - Энэ хэтэрхий хол явчихлаа
157. May i use your pen? - Таны үзгийг хэрэглэж болох уу?
158. She had a bad cold - Тэр ханиад хүрчихсэн
159. That’s a good idea - Наадах чинь дажгүй санаа байна.
160. The answer is zero - Хариулт нь бол 0.
161. What does she like? - Тэр юунд дуртай вэ?
162. As soon as possible! - Аль болох хурдан
163. He can hardly speak - Тэр бараг ярьж чадахгүй
164. He always talks big - Тэр дандаа хог тарьж байдаг юм
165. He won an election - Тэр сонгуульд ялсан
166. I’m a football fan - Би хөлбөмбөгийн хорхойтон
167. If only i could fly - Хэрвээ би нисч чаддагсан бол
168. I’ll be right there - Би наана чинь одоохон очлоо
169. I’ll see you at six - 6-д уулзья
170. It is true or false? - Энэ үнэн үү? Худал уу?
171. Just read it for me - Надад уншаад өгөөч
172. Knowledge is power - Мэдлэг бол хүч
173. Move out of my way! - Миний замаас холд
174. Time is running out - Цаг дуусч байна
175. We are good friends - Би сайн найзууд
176. What’s your trouble? - Чамд юу тохиолдов? Яачихаав?
177. You did fairly well! - Чи маш сайн хийсэн байна штээ
178. Clothes make the man - Хувцас бол бурхан
179. Did you miss the bus? - Автобуснаасаа хоцорчихсон юмуу?
180. Don’t lose your head - Битгий толгойгоо алдчихаарай
181. He can’t take a joke - Тэр тоглоом даадаггүйм
182. He owes my uncle $100 - Тэр миний авга ахад 100-н өртэй
183. How are things going? - Xэр байна?
184. How are you recently? - Ойрд чи хэр байна?
185. I know all about it - Би бүгдийг нь мэднэ
186. It really takes time - Энэ үнэхээр цаг авах юмаа
187. It’s against he law - Энэ хууль зөрчиж байна
188. Love me, Love my dog -
189. My mouth is watering - Арааны шүлс гоожиж байна
190. Speak louder, please - Чанга яриач, тэгэх үү?
191. This boy has no job - Тэр хүү ажилгүй
192. This house is my own - Энэ байшин минийх
193. What happened to you? - Чамд юу тохиолдов?
194. You are just in time - Чи яг цагтаа ирлээ
195. You need to workout - Чи жаахан дасгал хийх хэрэгтэй
196. Your hand feels cold - Чиний гар чинь хүйтэн байна
197. Don’t be so childish - Битгий хүүхэд шиг аашлаад бай
198. Don’t trust to chance! - Боломжинд битгий итгэ
199. Fasten your seat belt - Суудлынхаа даруулгыг хийгээрэй
200. He has a large income - Тэр их орлоготой хүн
1. I see - Би ойлголоо
2. I quit! - Би болилоо
3. Let go! - Явуулаач
4. Me too - Би ч гэсэн
5. I will do my best ! - Би хамгийн сайнаараа ажиллах болно!
6. No way! - Яг ш дээ.
7. Come on - Алив.
8. Hold on - Байж байгаарай
9. I agree - Би зөвшөөрчихнө, би ч гэсэн
10. Not bad - муугүй шүү
11. Not yet - Одоохондоо арай болоогүй байна
12. See you - Баяртай
13. Shut up! - Амаа тат, дуугүй бай
14. So long - Мөд уулзая, түр баяртай
15. Why not? - Яагаад үгүй гэж
16. Allow me - Алив би хийе
17. Be quiet! - Чимээгүй!
20. Have fun! - Сайхан хөгжилдөөрэй
18. Cheer up! - Амжилт
19. Good job! - Сайхан ажил, Сайн ажиллаа.
21. How much? - Хэдий үнэтэй
22. I’m full - Би цадчихлаа
23. I’m home - Би гэртээ
24. I’m lost - Би төөрчихлөө
25. My treat - Би даая.
26. So do i - Би ч гэсэн
27. This way - Энэ зүг
28. After you - Таны дараа
29. Bless you! - Бурхан өршөөг
30. Follow me! - Намайг дагаад
31. Forget it! - Мартаж үз
32. Good luck! - Амжилт хүсье
33. I decline! - Зөвшөөрөхгүй байна
34. I promise - Амлаж байна.
35. Of course! - Тэгэлгүй яахав
36. Slow down! - Аяархан
37. Take care! - Болгоомжтой яваарай
38. They hurt - Тэд өвдчихсөн
39. Try again - Дахиад давт
40. Watch out! - Болгоомжтой
41. What’s up - Юу байнаа
42. Be careful! - Болгоомжтой
43. Bottoms up! - Босоод марш,ууж байгаа зүйлийнхээ ёроолыг харах
44. Don’t move!
45. Guess what? - Яасан гээч
46. I doubt it - Би эргэлзэж байна.
47. I think so - Миний бодлоор, би тэгэж бодож байна
48. I’m single - Би ганц бие.
49. Keep it up! - гүйцэх
50. Let me see - Надад харуулаач
51. Never mind - Болилоо
52. No problem! - Асуудалгүй.
53. That’s all! - Ингээд л болоо.
54. Time is up - Цаг дуусаа
55. What’s new? - Сонин сайхан?
56. Count me on - Надад итгэж болно
57. Don’t worry - Санаа зоволтгүй
58. Feel better? - Арай дээрдэв үү?
59. I love you - Би чамд хайртай.
60. I’m his fan - Би түүний фен нь
61. Is it yours? - Энэ чинийх үү?
62. That’s neat - Гоё юмаа
63. Are you sure? - Та итгэлтэй байна уу?
64. Do i have to - Би заавал уу?
65. He is my age - Тэр надтай чацуу
66. Here you are - Чи энд байсан юм уу?
67. No one knows - Хэн ч мэдэхгүй
68. Take it easy - Тайвшир даа
69. What a pity! - Ямайр гайхалтай юм.
70. Аny thing else? - Өөр ямар нэг зүйл байна уу?
71. To be careful! -
72. Do me a favor? - Надад туслаач
73. Help yourself - Өөртөө тусал
74. I’m on a diet - Би хоолны дэглэм барьж байгаа
75. Keep in touch - Холбоотой байгаарай
76. Time is money - Цаг бол алт
77. Who’s calling? - Хэн залгаж байна.
78. You did right - Чи зөв хийсэн байна
79. You set me up! - Чи намайг хулхидсан байна
80. Саn i help you? - Танд тусламж хэрэгтэй юу?
81. Enjoy yourself!
82. Excuse me, Sir - Өршөөгрөй ноёнтоон
83. Give me a hand! - Надад туслаач!
84. How’s it going? - Хэр явж байна даа?
85. I have no idea - Надад ямар ч мэдэх юм алга
86. I just made it! - Би дөнгөж сая ажуулчихлаа!
87. I’ll see to it! - Би харж л байя
88. I’m in a hurry! - Би яарч байна!
89. It’s her field - Энэ тэрний өөрийнх нь салбар
90. It’s up to you - Чамаас л бүх юм шалтгаална
91. Just wonderful! - Гайхамшигтай!
92. What about you? - Би яах юм болж байна?
93. You owe me one - Чи надад нэг өртэй
94. Your’re welcome - Тавтай морил
95. Any day will do - Хэзээ ч хйисэн яахав
96. Are you kidding? - Чи тоглоогүй биз?
97. Congratulations! - Баяр хүргье!
101. It sounds great! - Дажгүй сонсогдож байна.
102. It’s a fine day - Яахав дажгүй өдөр байна.
103. So far, so good - Дажгүй шүү.
104. What time is it? - Цаг хэд болж байна.
105. You can make it! - Би хийж чаднаа.
106. Control yourself! - Өөрийгөө удирд
107. He came be train - Тэр галт тэргээр ирсэн.
108. He is ill in bed - Тэр өвдөөд орондоо байгаа.
109. He lacks courage - Тэр зориггүй
110. How’s everything? - Бүх юм хэр байна даа?
111. I have no choice - Надад ямар ч сонголт алга.
112. I like ice cream - Би мөхөөлөдөст дуртэй
113. I love this game - Би энэ тоглоомонд дуртай.
114. I’ll try my best - Би байдгаараа хичээнээ 1
15. I’m on your side - Би чиний талд байгаа шүү
116. Lont time no see! - Удаан уулзалдсангүй
117. No pain, no gain -
118. Well, it depends - Ер нь харж л байж больёо доо
119. We’re all for it - Бид бүгдээрээ тэрний төлөө байгаа
120. What a good deal! - Ямар сайхан санал вэ!
121. What should i do ? - Би яах ёстой вэ?
122. You asked for it! - Чи энийг л асуугаа биздээ
123. You have my word - Чи миний үгийг сонссон
124. Believe it or not! - Итгэнэ үү байна уу өөрөө мэд
125. Don’t count on me - Надад найдаад хэрэггүй шүү
126. Don’t fall for it! - Битгий тэрэнд унаж тусаад байгаарай
127. Don’t let me down - Намайг битгий мяаруулчихаарай даа
128. Easy come easy go -
129. I beg your pardon - Юу гэнээ дахиад хэлдээ
130. I’ll be back soon - Би удахгүй ирнэ
131. I’ll check it out - Би яасанг нь харамз
132. It’s a long story - Их урт түүх байна
133. It’s sunday today - Өнөөдөр ням гараг
134. Just wait and see! - Хүлээгээд харж бай
135. Make up your mind - Алив нэг санаа боддоо
136. That’s all i need - Миний хэрэгэй бүх юм ингээд болоо
137. The view is great - Их гоё харагдаж байна
138. The wall has ears - Энэ хана чихтэй шүү.
139. There comes a bus - За автобус ирж байна
140. What day is today? - Өнөөдөр ямар өдөр билээ
141. What do you think? - Юу гэж бодож байна даа.
142. Who told you that? - Хэн чамд наадахыг чинь хэлсэн юм?
143. Who’s kicking off?
144. Yes’ i suppose so - За, би зөвшөөрөхөөс дөө.
145. You can’t miss it - Боломжийг бүү алд
146. Any messages for me? - Надад ямар нэг захидал байна уу?
147. Don’t be so modest -
148. DOn’t give me that! - Надад битгий наадахаа өг
149. He is a smart boy - Тэр их ухаантай хүү
150. He is just a child - Тэр чинь жаахан хүүхэд шүү дээ.
98. I can’t help it - Би яаж ч чадахгүй нь
99. I don’t mean it - Би тэгье гэж бодоогүй
100. I’ll fix you up - Би чамд туслана аа
51. I can’t follow you - Би чамайг дагаж чадахгүйнээ
152. I felt sort of ill - Би нэг л өвдөөд байх шиг байна
153. I have a good idea! - Надад сайхан санаа байна.
154. It is growing cool -
155. It seems all right - Яахав дажгүй л харагдаж байна.
156. It’s going too far - Энэ хэтэрхий хол явчихлаа
157. May i use your pen? - Таны үзгийг хэрэглэж болох уу?
158. She had a bad cold - Тэр ханиад хүрчихсэн
159. That’s a good idea - Наадах чинь дажгүй санаа байна.
160. The answer is zero - Хариулт нь бол 0.
161. What does she like? - Тэр юунд дуртай вэ?
162. As soon as possible! - Аль болох хурдан
163. He can hardly speak - Тэр бараг ярьж чадахгүй
164. He always talks big - Тэр дандаа хог тарьж байдаг юм
165. He won an election - Тэр сонгуульд ялсан
166. I’m a football fan - Би хөлбөмбөгийн хорхойтон
167. If only i could fly - Хэрвээ би нисч чаддагсан бол
168. I’ll be right there - Би наана чинь одоохон очлоо
169. I’ll see you at six - 6-д уулзья
170. It is true or false? - Энэ үнэн үү? Худал уу?
171. Just read it for me - Надад уншаад өгөөч
172. Knowledge is power - Мэдлэг бол хүч
173. Move out of my way! - Миний замаас холд
174. Time is running out - Цаг дуусч байна
175. We are good friends - Би сайн найзууд
176. What’s your trouble? - Чамд юу тохиолдов? Яачихаав?
177. You did fairly well! - Чи маш сайн хийсэн байна штээ
178. Clothes make the man - Хувцас бол бурхан
179. Did you miss the bus? - Автобуснаасаа хоцорчихсон юмуу?
180. Don’t lose your head - Битгий толгойгоо алдчихаарай
181. He can’t take a joke - Тэр тоглоом даадаггүйм
182. He owes my uncle $100 - Тэр миний авга ахад 100-н өртэй
183. How are things going? - Xэр байна?
184. How are you recently? - Ойрд чи хэр байна?
185. I know all about it - Би бүгдийг нь мэднэ
186. It really takes time - Энэ үнэхээр цаг авах юмаа
187. It’s against he law - Энэ хууль зөрчиж байна
188. Love me, Love my dog -
189. My mouth is watering - Арааны шүлс гоожиж байна
190. Speak louder, please - Чанга яриач, тэгэх үү?
191. This boy has no job - Тэр хүү ажилгүй
192. This house is my own - Энэ байшин минийх
193. What happened to you? - Чамд юу тохиолдов?
194. You are just in time - Чи яг цагтаа ирлээ
195. You need to workout - Чи жаахан дасгал хийх хэрэгтэй
196. Your hand feels cold - Чиний гар чинь хүйтэн байна
197. Don’t be so childish - Битгий хүүхэд шиг аашлаад бай
198. Don’t trust to chance! - Боломжинд битгий итгэ
199. Fasten your seat belt - Суудлынхаа даруулгыг хийгээрэй
200. He has a large income - Тэр их орлоготой хүн
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